torsdag 26. november 2009

Whoop whoop!

Looks kinda ugly tho, but a raptor is a raptor!! respect!!

tirsdag 24. november 2009

Two days to go!

Yay only to days to go with the raptor quest! whoop whoop!

mandag 23. november 2009

Its been along AV ride..

But finally! Ding 80 :D Ive soon manage to collect 3 pieces of the deadly honor gear. Not the best but.. not the worst either^^

But i thought the bg farming would have a end! But no.. More av's, more Ab's.. Luckely i find pvp really fun so there is no stress farming hk's.

Ive collected some screenies that ill post under here.

This is more like it :D

As you see i got help from my cousine^^ Im cuite happy the way it turned out :) Now i have to fix a imba banner.. guess ill need help with that too..-.-

So I just found out that my old Blogspot page is gone with the wind, so here I am making a new one.
Well i can tell you abit of what this page will be about. My biggest hobby is World of Warcraft.. so ye i guess u figured already:P
I will post pictures of my ingame life aswell of my irl life.. both will prolly be just as boring but i likie to share them anywayz..

Now i have a huuuge job infront of me to fix this page.. like backgrounds and cool texts and stuff wich i have no clue about what so ever.. Ill need some help from my dear cousine i think. :P

well thats all for now folks, ill be busy now fixing and.. gaming... ^^

// Zuvi