tirsdag 19. oktober 2010

Wpvp, Achievements and wrathfulz

So this is the 2'nd day of Hallows End, and im soon done with my acieve for the Hallowed title. The things i lack now is G.N.E.R.D rage and the Sinister Calling. But with my luck in loot bags, this will take forever.. I've done the HH dungeon 6 times with my chars, and not a single drop from bags has occured. "there is no loot".. Im nearly pulling my hair out each time i see that message.. Hopefully tomorrow ill actually get something in my Pumpkin bag.. *crosses fingers*

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At the same time, im trying to grind for my wrathful mace. Wich is quite easy, tho the que time is horrible. We win almost everytime. so i guess its worth the 20-30min que.

For the HH mount, im not expecting it to drop for me, altho ppl tells me that the droprate is quite big now. I have never been lucky with droprates, but who knows. Maybe some wow God is looking over my Ðarling. hope so!

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Wpvp! Been killing everything i see in Stv,DS,and redridge.. A girl needs to have something to do while waiting her ass off in que ;)

Sorry for the wall of text.. i just cant stop writing when i start :P


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