tirsdag 19. april 2011

Riiight.. Back on track?

Lately, iv'e been so sick and tired of wow in general.. But today i actually enjoyed myself with some Stormwind Terror with the guild. Went pretty well, but ut ended as it always end - 10000 allys. But it was mene fun :>

Ok so.. If anyone are reading this blog, wich i strongly doubt, but If there are anyone out there, reading this.. and actually enjoy it, please stay tuned.. Im back to blogging about ingame.. And maybe sometimes about reallife. but realife sux doesent it?

Well i made a new noobish banner. Can't say i love it. but its ok enough.. for now.

Ðarling is back! or.. Gankergurl as my name is now, Im back bitcheZ! <3

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