torsdag 1. april 2010

The day today

Been grinding hc's so i could afford the rest of the gear, and then I had to help my cousines kid with wow. And thats not an easy task. I havent really thought about it, but explaining wow to other people who dont understand that much of it can be quite annoying. And if theres one thing i dont have, its patience. But what dont you do to make ur family wow addicted! I tryed to make mom addicted aswell but I failed. I made her play a Gnome warrior :D hah.

Anyhow, just been wpvping abit with the guildies. Always alot of fun.

Muhehe fun fun

For those who understands Norwegian, u see its abit hard to explain wow to 10 year olds. :| Odin you Pwn! <3

This made me lol actually. I blame bad humour in a bad day.

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